Last week Justin and I became homeowners. An exciting adventure! Justin has put in many hours over the last week painting and hauling boxes. He hasn't gotten home earlier than 11:00 in the past seven work days. I haven't helped him much but look forward to putting our home together in the next few weeks! I figure I'll be so busy until the first of July that the last month of this pregnancy will go by fast...wishful thinking? Blog posts will become few and far between until we get Internet set up or until I get to my parents to post. No Internet will probably be a good thing for me considering how much time I waste on the computer each day! So, farewell for now, and wish us luck!!
Okay, so I spend every single day with Molly and she pretty much goes everywhere with me. But this was a special day, just Molly and me on a "date." We saw cows,pet baby lambs,and fed ducks.We went on a wagon ride.We ate corn dogs and shared a snow cone while watching a dancing group.(Molly should have joined them on the stage...she was dancing right along with them.)
And I let her pick out a princess crown to take home.Molly's gone on a few "dates" with her dad but I've never really done this before, probably because I figure we do enough stuff together. But this felt different. We were unhurried, had no errands to run, and we were able to just enjoy each other. I loved walking around in the sun, feeling her hand in mine and seeing her excitement over little things. Being a mom is definitely a great privilege...
Last week we paid a visit to my sister and her family in Louisville, Kentucky. We spent a few days there seeing the sites, celebrating a couple of birthdays, and just hanging out. We had a great time and only regret that it went by so fast!
Molly loved her new Princess backpack. It was stocked with toys for the flight-I think she had more fun pulling it around and zipping and unzipping it!After our layover in Vegas, we got on a plane to take us to Louisville. Molly wanted the window seat; I thought she would get scared but she loved it! She was never scared, instead she watched out the window during take off and landing.Probably the one thing that we were all looking forward to the most was the look on Ali's face when we all showed up. You see, she thought it was just my mom and dad coming to visit, not the whole family. We had kept this secret for so long and we knew that she had no clue that we were coming. Jeff picked us up at the airport and took my mom and dad to their house. The rest of us piled in the rental vans and drove around for a few minutes before going to the house. We gathered on the doorstep and rang the doorbell. Ali answered the door, and I think she was pretty surprised!
Here we are at the Louisville Slugger Museum. This is where all the bats are made for the Major League players. We were able to look around at the museum and then take a tour and see how the bats are actually made. Justin could have stayed there for hours!Justin with a bat actually used by Lou GehrigBabe Ruth's batWe took lunch to a park along the Ohio River. It was hands down the best park that I have ever been to. We need parks like that in Utah! Molly ran around with Ben the whole time we were there.The Ohio RiverChurchill Downs was a really cool place. For those of you who don't know what Churchill Downs is, it's where the Kentucky Derby is run. For those of you who don't know what the Kentucky Derby is, there's no hope! Thanks to our own special tour guide, Woody from Guest Services, for our tour. He took us to the places where only the trainers and jockeys are allowed. That means we got up close and personal to the last race of the day.
After the race the jockeys walked right past us-we even saw the jockey who had won the Derby the week before!Barbaro's graveWe spent one morning at the Louisville Zoo. I was really impressed with the zoo-it was beautiful and green everywhere. When Molly's grandpa asked her what she saw at the zoo she said rhinos and lemurs.The train ride was a highlight for all the kids, with a pretty cool tunnel. Although, we didn't really see any animals on the ride, only fence...Ali got pretty up close and personal with a bird.Justin did too, but it didn't climb on his head!My personal favorite was the lions. They were pretty impressive.
We were able to celebrate Ali's birthday and Gavin's. Gavin got a slide for his birthday which the older kids immediately took over.He also got some help opening his presents.And he didn't like his birthday cake.Of course, you can't stay in a hotel without swimming in the pool.We took an afternoon off from the touristy stuff and just went bowling, always a hit with the kids and family. The kids were entertained by rolling the bowling ball back and forth.Molly helped me bowl. Maybe I should let her help me more often. We scored a 111 which is pretty good for someone who never reaches 100! Okay, those bumper lanes probably helped a little...Justin, on the other hand, didn't have the best game ever. If you look closely, you can see that Ben beat him by one point. And Ben did it all on his own, no help from his dad or anything. The boys were able to take off one night for a Reds game in Cincinnati. After a few days of going, going, going and fun, fun, fun it was time to fly home. We had a long layover in Phoenix but not to worry, we found plenty of fun things to do...We had 4 flights and Molly slept on 3 of them. On our very last leg of the journey, she slept from take off to landing. I guess the week had finally caught up with her.
Feb 27: We went shopping with my mom and sister. We spent a lot of time at one store and Molly got hot and bored. When we were leaving she said, "I'm so glad we are done. That was so hot" Big sigh.
Jan 7: "Dad, today was so busy I didn't even get an opportunity to fight with boy."
January 2012: Stockton found some Tums and was wanting to eat them. I told him no because they would make him sick. Molly explained it further: "Stocky, it's just like what the devil does. He makes something look really good or exciting but it's not really that good or exciting at all."
November 1: "Mom, can I have some ranch for my carrots? Oh never mind, I didn't know they were melted." (cooked carrots, rather than raw)
November 1: "Wow, this water is ice hot!"
October: Every time a decision has to be made, Molly plays eeney-meeney-miney-moe . She tries to do it so nobody notices but I know exactly what she is doing!
8-30 Molly and I were playing a guessing game in the car. I was trying to get her to guess the word "arrow." Me: "It points you in the right direction..." Molly: "Jesus!!"
8-12 Molly was reading the story of Nephi getting the brass plates: "And then Nephi found Laban and he was drooped." (she meant drunk)
7-15 Molly was playing with an attachment for the vacuum-twirling it in the air like a baton. "Mom, watch me crouton this!"
6-26 Molly told us this joke on the way home from church: Which ghost has the best hearing? The eeriest!
6-13 Molly trying to get Stockton to say "helicopter:" "Stocky, say hell. Stocky say hell."
6-12 To Stockton: "The car won't say hi back to you, buddy."
6-10 Molly and Gavin were eating sour watermelon candy when Molly asked Gavin, "Do you want me to suck the sour off for you?"
USU Graduation, May 2007
Seattle, Washington, August 2008
Louisville, Kentucky, May 2009
June 25, 2009
Stockton Ray
2 years
April 29: starts sleeping in a "big boy" bed
May 2011: gets confused with hot and cold-calls everything hot; becomes obsessed with cars and trucks; can finally say his own name
May 30: Figured out how to climb to the top bunk-yikes!
end of May/early June- Stockton's last tooth comes in
August: says "Da-ee" and "Mo-ee" for Daddy and Molly
August 17: poops in the toilet!
August 21: pees in the toilet
September: calls Justin "Daddi-o" (he does this when he's happy, angry, sad, silly, you name it!); knows all his colors; counts to ten: "one, free, four, ten!"
October 2nd: We were watching General Conference. Stockton heard the congregation laugh after something President Monson said so he giggles and says: "Si-ee prophet."
November 5: Justin and I were watching a college football game downstairs long after we'd put the kids to bed. All of a sudden we hear Stockton clear upstairs yell "Tackle football game!" and run downstairs to watch.
November: His night-time farewell: "Night-night M&M face head!" in the silliest voice he can muster. He came up with it on his own.
November: At dinner each night we say what we are thankful for. Every time we ask what he is thankful for he says "crayons." All month long.
Dec 15: "Stocky, is daddy a boy or a girl?" "A boy." "Is Stockton a boy or a girl?" "Boy." "Is mommy a boy or a girl?" "Girl." "Is Molly a boy or a girl?" "Girl." "Is Brynn a boy or a girl?" "A baby."
December: It's been fun watching Stockton get excited for Christmas. He says "Merry Santa!"
Dec 21: Stockton has croup. He had to get a steroid shot.
Jan 12: Just playing tonight and out of the blue Stockton says, "Dad, I be baby Jesus!" and lays down on Justin's chest
Jan 19: Stocky is constantly telling us this joke he make up: "Mom, I have a joke for you." "What?" "What you eat for breakfast?" "What?" "A crib!" And then he says the whole thing again.
late February: Asking Stockton why Brynn is crying (he hit her): "Stockton, why is Brynn crying?" "Whaaaa!" "No, Stockton, why is Brynn crying?" "Whaaaa!" He gets his "who, what, where, when, why, and how's" a little mixed up.
Feb. 28: Stocky threw his binkies away today!!
Mar. 1: love that he says cute things like: "doonin'" = doing "Hold you" when he wants to be held
Mar. 25: "Mom, let's go play rice frisbee." (He wants to play catch with the frisbee.)
May 12: Stocky stays dry in underwear all day!
March 2010
March 7, 2011
Brynn April
13 months
June 30- rolls over belly to back
mid July-starts playing with her toes
September 7-turns 6 months old and has her first taste of baby food: rice cereal
September 11-Brynn's been getting up on her hands and knees and rocking forward and backward for very short amounts of time. I'm hoping that crawling is still a long way off!
September 18-She's been practicing sitting up on her own and is getting so strong. She can sit on her own for long periods of time now and only falls over when she is reaching for something.
September: Molly and Stockton have been calling her "coo-coo"
October 5: starts crawling!
October 20: Today she went from crawling to sitting. She is also trying so hard to pull herself up on things.
October: starts babbling a lot: mostly "da-da" but a few "ma-ma's" and "ba-ba's" too
October 31: First Halloween. Noticed today that her first tooth was starting to come in. On the bottom (middle left).
November 30: Second tooth. Bottom, middle, right.
end November: Brynn has not been sleeping well. She's always gone right back to sleep when I feed her but now she's up for hours at a time. We've had to start letting her cry it out if she wakes up before a certain time at night.
December: saying "ma ma" a lot
December: Brynn has been mimicking us. At dinner we all put both arms in the air and she smiles and does the same.
December 10: Brynn stood on her own for literally a full 5 seconds! She starts doing this more and more over the next few weeks. She's getting very brave.
December 12: Noticed first tooth coming in on the top. Middle right.
Dec 19: first ponytail!
Dec 25: starts walking along furniture
last week in December: Justin's been holding Brynn's fingers and helping her walk all around the house. She is getting so strong and is actually very stable.
Jan 3, 2012: Brynn slept all night!
Jan 9: first steps...very wobbly, but they were steps alright!
second week in Jan: 4th tooth came in. Top, middle, right
Jan. 22: starts climbing the stairs
mid-February: gives kisses
last week in February: starts climbing on everything!
March 14: At her 12-month well-check she weighed 14 lbs 4 oz. She also got 4 shots!
Mar 21: 5th tooth-top left
April 1: nursed Brynn for the last time
tooth #6, 7, & 8: mid-April, end April, mid-May
June 23: first haircut
Disneyland, June 2011
October 2011
"Every sister who stands for truth and righteousness diminishes the influence of evil. Every sister who strengthens and protects her family is doing the work of God. Every sister who lives as a woman of God becomes a beacon for others to follow and plants seeds of righteous influence that will be harvested for decades to come."