Friday, November 27, 2009


November 5

On the way to Macey's (we literally live about 5 blocks away), Molly fell asleep in the car. This is normal. I arrived at the store, got Molly out, put her down, found a cart, picked her up, put her in the cart, then went to get Stockton and the diaper bag. I came back to the cart and found that Molly had indeed fallen back to sleep:
I quickly took a picture with my phone because it was so hilarious! I found a blanket that she used as a pillow and proceeded to do my grocery shopping. This proved to be the easiest shopping trip ever, both my kids slept through the whole thing! The hardest part was trying to find a spot in the cart for all my groceries since a 3-year-old was taking up most of the space!

As unbelievable as this was, she did it again 2 days later. We were on our way home from a visit to Plain City. We stopped at Target in Orem to get some Christmas ideas. Molly slept in the cart the whole time-and this was after she had already slept for an hour in the car.

Now why won't she nap at home on those days I really, really need her to?

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

4th and 5th Months

Today we celebrate 5 months of Stockton's life. The time has flown by but I really can't imagine life without our sweet baby boy. Funny how that happens...our family would NOT be complete without him. He has the three of us completely smitten.

We took him to his 4-month well-child check where he weighed in at 14.2 pounds. Not bad-almost 2 pounds heavier than his sister was at the same age! A "chunk" compared to her. That would probably be because even at 5 months old, he still likes to eat every two hours during the day. Yup, 2 hours! I happily oblige because it gives me a chance to hold him for 10 minutes before moving on to the next thing.

Stockton is a smiley baby and will smile at anyone who pays the slightest bit of attention to him. Sometimes I even catch him smiling at someone when they are completely oblivious to him.

Last weekend he really figured out the rolling over thing. He started rolling over so early (like before he turned 3 months) but then he quit and just barely picked it up again. He gets stuck on his belly, which is frustrating to him, but he'll get it soon enough. We're also working on the sitting up thing and have a little bit of work to do, but he is enjoying his saucer and the Bumbo we borrowed from my sister.Of course by now he is pretty good at reaching for and picking up things...and then they go directly to his mouth. He slobbers a whole lot too...and sucks on his fingers...and everything else.Stockton is still trying to figure out the whole napping thing. He'll go down and sleep for about 30-40 minutes and then he's up again! It makes it hard to get anything done but I try not to get frustrated and remember that Molly did the same thing and once she reached six or seven months, she was a great napper! I guess I'm just not very great at getting them on "schedule" until sometime between 6 and 9 months. Oh well, that's life.

Stockton is our jumper. When you stand him up on your legs he'll immediately start to jump. Actually, whenever he can find anything to push his feet against he's "jumping." This is most annoying when I'm trying to feed him.

What a joy this boy has brought to our family; I am thankful to be his mom everyday!

Friday, November 20, 2009


October 25

Stockton's hair had finally reached the point where it was completely out of control...okay, maybe it had been out of control for a while. When a lady came to Justin's mom's house to clean her carpets she saw the picture of all 8 grandkids and said, pointing to Stockton, "What's that on his head?" It was just his hair. For some reason I was so hesitant to cut it but Justin finally talked me into it last month. So I trimmed the top of it and slicked it into a much more controllable mohawk. The handsome devil...Poor picture, I know, but it really does look good.

Not one to be left out, Molly thought she needed a haircut too:Yup, she did it herself. A big chunk right above her left ear. When I asked her why she did it, she said "The friendly troll came into my room and told me to. Don't worry about it Mom." We had a talk about what scissors are used for and who cuts her hair and then Justin and I had a good laugh. It could be a million times worse but it's not so bad because it can be easily camoflauged. She is so independent, the little stinker.

When Grandma asked where she cut her hair she said "on my rug." Haha!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Halloween Recap

Molly was Little Red Riding Hood.Stockton was a skeleton.We started our Halloween celebrations one week early with a party at my mom and dad's. Of course my mom goes all out planning games, making treats, giving presents, etc..

A trip to the pumpkin patch AND a pinata were also included in this party.

Molly thoroughly enjoyed herself and I thoroughly enjoyed the white-chocolate caramel-covered apples that my mom sent home with us. Mmm-mmm good!The night before Halloween we headed to Sandy for some more fun. Food was eaten, games were played, pictures were taken.We played pin the mouth on the jack-o-lantern. (Molly made the jack-o-lantern, I think she did a great job!) See those mouths lined up off to the side? Those were all those that didn't make it on the right wall; Molly moved them over there later. Oh yes, we had to make up a "Halloween-y" name; names like, "Megavich," "Justin the Ripper," "The Halloweener," "Witchy-Poo," and "Punkadilly Heidi."That brings us to Halloween day-wasn't it nice to have it on Saturday? We were going to skip the pumpkin carving because we had done it in Plain City but Justin needed his roasted pumpkin we ended up carving...well, Justin and Molly ended up carving.Then, of course, trick-or-treating! Molly was not very good at saying "trick-or-treat" or "thank you" but she kept telling me "Mom, I never knew trick-or-treating could be so much fun!" Here she is, anxiously waiting for the door to open so she can pick her favorite treat. Justin and I were disappointed in her choice of candy, though, hardly any chocolate! Mostly!We ended our night with a heaping bowl of our traditional Halloween meal, taco soup, and a yummy pumpkin roll sprinkled with powdered sugar (also a tradition).