Wednesday, August 3, 2011

4 months, 22 days

That's the last time Brynn went to the doctor. She weighed 11 lbs 2 oz. Here are some of the things she is doing now:

-Loves to kick! In the tub she splashes water all over. She has strong little legs and when you stand her up, she jumps.

-She rolls all over. She's better at rolling from back to belly, but she can go both ways.

-Reaches for toys and puts everything in her mouth.

-Is getting so strong and likes to play in her saucer.

-Takes three naps each day. Working on putting herself to sleep, but still likes mom to rock her a little bit.

-She's slept through the night forever. When she started rolling I stopped swaddling her so lately she's not sleeping quite as long, but she's still better than my other two! (She wakes up anytime around 5 or 6, nurses, and goes right back to sleep for 3-4 hours. Can't complain about that.)

-Blows bubbles.

-Plays with her toes.

-Smiles for anyone.

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