Thursday, May 21, 2009

Movin', movin', movin'

Last week Justin and I became homeowners. An exciting adventure! Justin has put in many hours over the last week painting and hauling boxes. He hasn't gotten home earlier than 11:00 in the past seven work days. I haven't helped him much but look forward to putting our home together in the next few weeks! I figure I'll be so busy until the first of July that the last month of this pregnancy will go by fast...wishful thinking? Blog posts will become few and far between until we get Internet set up or until I get to my parents to post. No Internet will probably be a good thing for me considering how much time I waste on the computer each day! So, farewell for now, and wish us luck!!


Anonymous said...

Good Luck with the moving. Hope that you can post soon, I dont get to see you to often and really enjoy reading your blog.

jax said...

Congrats on getting a house! Where did you guys find a place?

Megan said...

Congrats again! That really is exciting and I DO hope it makes the end of the pregnancy go fast for you ;) Good luck with the move and everything - don't overdo it!

Lindsay said...

Congrats on getting a house!! That's so ecxiting. It's so great to have a place of your own and be able to do anything you want to it. Where is it? Good luck and I look forward to hearing more about it.

Woodbury Family said...

Congratulations again! Enjoy your new home. I hear it's beautiful.

Hayley Nelson Potter said...

Congratulations on being new home owners. You will have to post pictures of it! Good luck with the last month of pregnancy as well, i am jealous you are that close to being done.

The Moyes Family said...

Congratulations on your new home and a new baby boy. Can't wait until you get internet again because I can't wait to see little Stockton. By the way I am so proud of Molly. That was a great climb.

Cherie said...

A new house and a new baby. I'm sure you are a busy busy lady these days. Can't wait to see Stockton.