Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Lazy Sunday Afternoons

We have church at nine, are home at twelve, and so when we aren't visiting family, we have the rest of the afternoon to relax and play. We usually try to squeeze in naps for everyone, Justin usually makes dinner, and usually around six we turn on America's Funniest Videos (or "the funnies" as Molly calls it). Sometimes the afternoon gets long so Molly makes up games to play...


Megan said...

Gotta love lazy afternoons though. Your kids are so cute.

jax said...

That is so cute!

The Childs said...

Cute Videos. Meg, I took him to a Pedatric Dentist because that is what we have down the street from us. Lincoln also has a cavity. He said they would give him laughting gas when we went to get it fixed. I would get molly's records and take them to a pediatric dentist. It worked great for Lincoln.

Erin M said...

How cute. I love to hear baby's laugh. Molly is so fun. What a good sister.

Missy said...

How cute glad that she is safe from sin how cute...