You have been one for three weeks now. I don't know where the year has gone and I can hardly remember what you were like as a small baby. Sometimes I wish I could have you little for a day, just so I can cuddle with you. You are too busy to let me do that now. But as much as I miss my tiny baby, I am loving this stage of your life. You are learning something new almost on a daily basis. I love staying home with you and watching you explore and just enjoy life. Here are some of the things that you are doing...
You have 6 teeth, 2 on bottom and 4 on top, with one more coming in.
Whenever you are asked, "Where's the light/sky?" you point up and say, "Der." Actually, when you are asked, "Where's (fill in the blank)?" you do the same thing.
You take two naps each day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. You sleep anywhere from 2-3 hours for each nap.
You throw everything. I mean everything. You usually choose to throw with your left hand.
At your one year check-up you weighed 20lbs 2 oz (13th%) and you were 29 inches (25th %) long. You got three shots.
During choir practice, you stand by me and pound on the lower keys of the piano. It's very noisy. I could try to make you go somewhere else, but you would cry. Besides, I think it's kind of cute so I let you pound away!
You like to put your fingers in your ears. You put your fingers in Dad's ears when he gives you a shoulder ride.
You like books as long as they have a lift-the-flap feature. Or a different texture. Both combined together will keep you entertained for as long as five minutes, if we're lucky.
You've been cruising up the stairs for months but are scared to go down. You only started to go down this week and have only done it a handful of times.
You still really, really like to watch Baby Einstein videos. You are also starting to like Super Why.
When I'm in the kitchen or getting ready and you need me, you come and stand right in between my legs. I almost always trip over you and cause you to cry.
You crawl really fast.
You don't walk yet, although you are getting closer. You love to go outside and walk behind your wagon walker. You like to walk back and forth to Mom and Dad. And yesterday Molly saw you let go of her little table and take 3 or 4 or 5 steps to the couch, all by yourself.
You have a laugh that is totally fake. You open your mouth as wide as you can and force out a laugh. It always brings a smile to my face.
You've discovered cupboards and drawers and the mysteries kept in them. You like to pull everything out.
You give big, open-mouthed kisses. But not on our lips very often. More like anywhere else you can plant your lips. You like to crawl up to someone and dive on their belly, leg, etc. and slobber wherever you land.
You love playing in Molly's room. Sometimes you escape upstairs and I find you happily exploring her room.
You have started to throw mini-tantrums if something gets taken away from you.
When you pick up a phone you put it to your ear. When you pick up a remote, you point it to the TV. You picked up the lid to the bubbles today and tried to put it back on the bubbles. I think you are very smart.
You like to play with Sister Tucker's music stand during choir practice. It's one of those silver, flimsy ones and she's always worried that you are going to pull it over on yourself.
You've started to play peek-a-boo. I put your hands over your eyes the first time and then you try, and try, and put your hands on your cheeks, your neck, your ears, your nose, anything but your eyes. Then you jerk them off really fast and giggle when I say "Boo!"
Whenever I'm sitting on the ground you crawl over to me and sit right in my lap.
You like to sit on the floor across from someone and roll a ball back and forth. Balls are probably your favorite toys.
Just tonight you started saying "Cheeeeeeeese" when we try to take your picture.
We love you Stockton, Stock, Stocky, Boy-boy, Stocky-wocky, and Brother! How happy we are that Heavenly Father sent you to us!
I'm with you, I can't believe Stockton is a year old. He is so dang cute. I wish I could see him more often.
Such a fun age. There are so many things that Evan likes to do that are the same and I love it. I just wish they would stay this way forever.
That picture of Stockton is super cute. He doesn't even look like a baby anymore - it is crazy!
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