Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Molly, July 2010

Lately Molly has been obsessed with taking pictures. She takes the camera and snaps away. I currently have 510 pictures saved on my computer that she has taken. We have family pictures,pictures of every room in the house,

pictures of toys,
pictures of body parts (like her legs and Stocky's bare bum),

pictures of the TV,

pictures taken from the car,
pictures of food,

pictures of pictures,

and pictures of decorations.

By far my favorites pictures are the ones she takes of herself. They make me laugh every time I see them.
We had been talking about getting her a camera for her birthday coming up. I think this recent obsession has helped us decide for sure! I think she'll like it just a bit.

Now switching gears. My biggest concern regarding my children is their spiritual health. I feel like I have a huge responsibility to teach my children the gospel, teach them how to recognize truth, receive revelation, what it feels like to feel the Holy Ghost, etc...When I think of them going to school and all the different influences out there, I get a little scared for them. I am thankful everyday for the tools I have, and they have, to help them on their journey through this life. I also know that very young kids understand a lot more than we think they do. They are like sponges, soaking everything in, and they can learn and remember a whole lot. We try to hold regular Family Home Evening, read scriptures, go to church, and have family prayer. Molly, at three, gets excited for all of these things. It is rewarding to watch her grow spiritually...

-She loves to get her magazine, the Friend. She colors the pages and we read all the stories. One article talked about pioneers. At the end there was an empty space where she was supposed to draw someone in her family who is a pioneer today. I don't think she really understood the concept because she chose to draw Jesus.
She was all done with her drawing and then said, "Oops, I forgot to put the holes in his hands." Can you see the big circles near where the hands would be?

-She had the assignment to bear her testimony in Primary a few weeks ago. She told me exactly what she wanted to say and I helped her phrase it: "I know the Church is true. I know that my family can be together forever. I know that Jesus performed many miracles. I know that Jesus loves me. I know that President Monson is a prophet led by Heavenly Father. I know that Jesus died for us."

-At FHE this week she had the chance to bear her testimony at the end. She stood up on her bed and spoke in a loud, clear voice, "I'd like to bear my testimony..." Then she said a few things and closed. I felt happy and proud of her.

-Last week we were playing a guessing game in the car. Someone would describe a certain food and the other person would try to guess what food they were describing. I described bread and she guessed it right. Then she said, "Mom, I know two kinds of bread. The bread we eat and the bread of life who is Jesus."

-Last month we were playing outside and she said to me, "I'm starting to forget what Jesus looks like." I'm not sure what she meant by this, all I know is that these little kids are closer to our Savior than we realize.

-She made a "boat" in the living room out of blankets and pillows. She said that no one could go on the carpet (the "water") except for Jesus because He's the only one who can walk on water.

-It was her turn for the lesson on Monday night. She wanted to do the story of Daniel in the Lion's Den. She drew pictures and held them up as she told the story. This is the picture of Daniel praying.
He's on his knees by a bed.

-Speaking of prayers, I love to hear her pray. Here are just a few of the things she's said in her prayers that I wanted to remember:
"Thank you for the air so that we can hear each other."
"Thank you for God's power to teach us."
"Thank you that I know the Holy Ghost is true."

That's all. A few things that I have read/heard recently that left an impression on me:
-This talk from last Conference.
-This interview with Julie B. Beck and her daughters, especially the parts about mothering. (It's Episode 15-listen to it while you clean the bathrooms. That's what I did.)
-This Mormon Message video. I think I need to watch this everyday!
-And I want to read this talk again.


jax said...

Wow. Sounds like you guys are right on track! Molly is so amazing! How sweet to hear her say all those things. She sounds pretty solid already! She has got some excellent teachers.

lynn moyes said...

Molly is growing up way too fast. Thanks to inspired parents who help her learn and understand what is important in life. On a side note, Molly's comments on the side make me laugh so hard!

Megan said...

I love it! What an awesome little girl you have and what an awesome mom you are for helping her learn so much. I agree that we don't always realize just how close they are to the veil. I love listening to Anna tell us about her Primary lessons - they know and can remember more than we think.

Troy and Mandy said...

I know exactly how you feel...and my baby isn't even here yet! I think you are doing a great job and Molly seems to know so much already about the Gospel. She is so smart! You are doing awesome :)

Nathan and Shanna said...

I know how you feel as well and I think you're doing an amazing job! Molly seems like the perfect child! Keep up the good work!

Yardley Crew said...

Meg, you and Justin are such good parents. Thanks for reminding me just how important this parenting job is. We're pretty lucky to have such an awesome responsibility. Oh, and I really am going to start driving our bank manager from town. Please prepare yourself for a move south! :)

rupee40 said...

What a sweet girl. She is so smart and you guys are doing a great job teaching her. It really is amazing how much they learn so early.
I love all her pictures, looks like the camera will be a hit!

Erin M said...

That actually about made me cry. She is such a sweet girl with the most amazing parents. I am so thankful for the knowledge we have to share with our kids before we send them into the "world". Sounds like your kids are ready.
Cute pictures. She is a great photographer.

Rachelle said...

Tears came to my eyes when Molly said "I'm starting to forget what Jesus looks like". Because... really she has seen him so much more recently than the rest of us. So beautiful. You guys are great parents. I think I am going to read all of your talk suggestions.