Saturday, April 19, 2008


Last week, my best friend from high school was in town and took Molly and I to lunch. It was so fun to catch up. Karla has the cutest little girl, Jane, and it was so fun to see her and how she's grown. Sadly, we haven't kept in the best contact and I've only seen Jane one other time (she's only one month younger than Molly). But it was great to see her! Thanks, Karla, if you're reading this!

I wanted to take a picture of the 4 of us, but Molly got 4 teeth that week (ouch) and wasn't being the happiest camper. So an old picture of the two of us will have to suffice. This was taken in December 2000 after our first semester at WSU and USU... After serving in YW's for 4 years, I realized what an impact friends have on us when we are teenagers. It is really important to have good friends and I am grateful that I had such good friends-Karla especially! She was and is a great example to me! We were pretty inseparable the summer after we graduated. We probably spent almost everyday together. She came on my family vacation and I went on hers! So thanks, Karla, for being a great friend. Even though we don't see each other enough, you're still one of my "Best Friends Forever!"

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