Friday, April 4, 2008

Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice...

Justin says that I should rename this blog and call it "Molly's Blog." I'll be the first to admit that most of my posts are about Molly. So sorry if it bores all of you out there but it will probably stay that way for a while because she's just too cute! So here goes another post that stars...Molly! She is now 18 months and I wanted a record of some of the stuff she has been up to. Mostly for me because it's so easy to forget-they grow so fast! Here are some of the fun things Molly is doing and learning:
1. Molly likes to play in the fridge. She'll stand in it and say "Bye-bye Molly" and then shut the door on herself.
2. Molly loves it when Daddy comes home from work. She'll pull her little chair over to the window, stand on it and watch for Daddy. When Justin pulls in, she runs to the front door. It's pretty sweet.
3. Molly has become extremely proficient at drinking out of a cup and always asks for "Mama's wawa" meaning she wants her water in a cup like mine.
4. She'll only eat waffles for breakfast which means she is a sticky mess every morning!
5. Molly is learning new words everyday! I started to keep track a couple of weeks ago but have given up lately because she knows so many. She has also starting putting together 2 or 3 words which is always really cute. She'll go around the house pointing at things and saying "Mama's shoes" or "Molly's neigh" (her rocking horse). It's pretty cute! Molly is also learning her letters really fast.
6. Nursery is going well. She missed church a couple times due to being sick but last week she made it the whole time. They said she did really well except for the last 15 minutes or so and that she wasn't too bad so that's encouraging.
7. We've been trying to work out some kinks in her sleeping habits. Molly has always been a really good sleeper it's just getting her to sleep that we have problems with. I have always had to rock her to sleep and then lay her down. Mostly this wasn't too bad but it did get frustrating sometimes when it took forever. Also, only I could do it-not Justin. The last few weeks, though, she has started to fall asleep on her own in her crib as long as I stay in the room. And she even let Justin put her to bed once! This is a huge improvement for us. On the downside, her naps have kind of disappeared. We found that if she took a nap in the day, she never got tired at night and would stay up until 10:30 or 11:00! So with some experimenting, I think it's going to work with just a short nap (I wake her up after only an hour).
8. At her doctor's appointment, she weighed 21 lbs 2 oz. We were happy that she had passed the 20 pound mark! She is consistent though-still in the 2nd percentile. (I think she's been there since 4 months.)

Well, I think that's about it. Sorry for going on and on and are some pictures since we have plenty!


Erin M said...

I love all the comments and pictures of Molly. We just don't see her enough. SO I love the pictures and stories. Keep it coming. I think your the best blogger I know. Congrats!! Anyway. Molly is so cute and so smart. We love her tons.

lynn moyes said...

We love seeing all of Molly's pictures. Dad and I miss seeing her more often, so the pictures are great. She's going to lovethe picture of her bare bottom someday!

rupee40 said...

Keep the Molly posts coming! Although I wouldn't mind seeing some of you and Justin too occasionally. But I love that you keep posting pictures, it's the best way for Jeff and me to see her grow and we love it!