Monday, April 21, 2008

Molly's braids

Yay, I finally fit Molly's hair in braids. It took some concentration but Molly was such a good girl and sat so still for me. Her hair is probably not quite thick enough yet-it wasn't very tight-but I thought it was fun for a change! Here is the view from the back......and the front... And this picture has nothing to do with her braids, I just thought it was cute. She picked up the hat, put it on, and said "Cheese, Mama!" Such a silly girl!


Erin said...

So cute. I can't believe how much hair she has I think it is adorable.

Erin said...

Wow I am impressed. I don't even know how to french braid, let alone do it on an 18 month old. She looks adorable. What a cutie. Chloe can't wait to see and play with Molly this weekend.