Friday, May 23, 2008

ABC's, 123's, and Elmo

This is old news to most of you, but Molly knows her ABCs (not the song, but she can recognize all the letters). Lately, she loves to point out all the letters she sees everywhere-on her sippy cup, on billboards, at the grocery store, wherever. I think she likes it so much because Justin and I clap our hands and offer tons of praise that makes her so proud of herself. She doesn't know the ABC song yet but she does enjoy singing it with Justin or me. So I couldn't resist posting this video clip because her voice is so cute. Sorry, I didn't catch the very first part:

She also enjoys counting to 10 with our help:

As with all kids, we have issues sometimes with Molly eating-she has no problems consuming tons of snacks each day, but meals are entirely different. On the day this next video was taken, I had made her two things for lunch (I hardly ever do this, I was extremely frustrated). She didn't eat either but then kept asking for snacks all day! Argh! So I made Navajo Tacos for dinner and made her a yummy scone and drizzled it in honey. I thought for sure she would gobble it right up! But she wouldn't even taste it! If she would have tasted it and then said she didn't like it, I wouldn't have made her eat it. But she wouldn't even try it!!! So this was our trick to get her to eat it:

It worked somewhat because she did end up eating about half of it!

Sorry for the many videos, I just thought they were fun!

Also, just a note for all you moms out there. My mother-in-law found a fun website to help kids learn their ABC's or if they are a little older, to help them with reading. It's called loves it so go check it out!


rupee40 said...

I love Justin's Elmo impression, he is going to have to act that out for us when we come visit! At least it worked! Molly is so sweet, I love hearing her cute little voice, what a smartie!

Rachelle said...

What a smartie!! I love the Elmo trick... we've learned a few tricks to get our kids to eat too. It's funny what ridiculous stuff we parents will do for our kids.

Megan said...

Oh man I was laughing so hard at the Elmo video - that was a very good impression! Anna hates eating meals too and I am the same long as she tries is BEFORE she just says NO! So frustrating! I put her in her chair and she starts yelling 'ALL DONE!'

Molly sure is a smart cookie! If I hear Anna count to 3 I know she is about ready to huck something across the room. She only counts to 3 though...i think she thinks everything happens on 3, why go any further?! Anna also loves the ABC's. SHe loves to watch this video that is beyond ridiculous but she stands at the door to the computer room yelling ABC! Until we watch it 1,000 motherhood :)

You will have to watch it to see what I have to listen to all day. Thanks for the tip on the other link - I love it!

Super sorry for the UBER long comment.

Missy said...

She is such a smart little girl, she is growing up so fast what cutie. I love her little voice its so cute.

The Mumfords said...

Hopefully we can be as good of parents as you guys. Molly knows so much! And she's adorable! Wish we could be closer to you.