Saturday, May 17, 2008

Family Fishing Night

Justin heard about this fun place to go fishing so we decided to check it out a couple of weeks ago. So we packed a picnic, jackets, and our fishing gear and headed out. We got lost, of course-Utah County is so confusing! As soon as you enter into another city, all the street coordinates change-it's so frustrating! Well, we almost gave up but then we found it. It was a fun place, although not entirely clean. But Molly didn't care-she had a blast!

Molly didn't want to take time for a pictures with Mommy! Can you see how dirty her face is?I tried to get Molly to feed the ducks but all she wanted to do was throw the rocks-in the water, in her shoes, wherever she could find! This was probably a good thing considering the ducks didn't want to eat the bread I threw them. It was quite crowded-I think they were full! The highlight for Molly was when Justin caught the fish. She had fun petting it (I was trying not to cringe-gross!) and holding the fishing pole. Aren't these Daddy/daughter pictures so cute! True to character, Molly was a mess when we packed up to head home. She was also exhausted! She would have fallen asleep on the way home but I didn't have jammies and she desperately needed a bath. So we sang songs while patting our knees to the beat all the way home. It seemed to entertain Molly and, more importantly, kept her awake!


Hayley Nelson Potter said...

wow, she is the cutest little girl. I see both of you in her. Arent they so fun. Ok I am so glad you found me, I wondered where you ended up. So fun to see your blog, I am excited to be blogging friends now!

Hayley Nelson Potter said...

Also I went private so will you email me so I can send an invite. Its

Megan said...

The picture of her with Justin is so adorable - I love her big cheese. I would have been grossed out by petting a fish too, but kids don't know the difference and I am sure she thought that part was way cool ;) You sound like me trying to get Anna to stay awake when we are in the car - roll the windows down, sing and talk super loud. But if she falls asleep for even 2 minutes she thinks that is all the nap she needs - think again!

Rachelle said...

Oh...your post made me want to go fising/camping so badly. I love the picture of Molly and Justin. Very sweet. also...I like all of your new quotes on the side of your blog. I have an obsession with collecting quotes so I hope you don't mind if I steal a few of them.

Erin said...

Molly looked so cute. I think Chloe would love to go fishing. I know she would love to hold the fish and I would be just like you, I would have a hard time letting her but I would let her. I guess.

Erin M said...

Some of the cutest pictures I have seen. I love the one of Justin and Molly. Looks like so much fun.