Saturday, July 5, 2008

The Mormon Miracle Pageant

Since we live so much closer to Manti now we decided to make the trek down to attend the Manti Pageant. Justin and I wanted to go mainly for sentimental reasons-it was one of our first post-mission dates 5 years ago. We also thought Molly would enjoy it and it was a good excuse for some family time.

We left on Saturday afternoon when Justin got home from work. Molly was so good-she slept in the car the entire ride down. We were pretty early when we got there so we were able to save a good seat on the lawn. To kill the time we ate our picnic that I packed and had some ice cream.When we got back to our blanket we noticed that we had set it up right in the middle of a Young Single Adult Stake! It was pretty funny because here is our little family and all around us our singles flirting and snuggling. They all thought Molly was pretty cute though and of course she walked around to all the surrounding blankets and showed off her belly. What else would she do?

We played a few games with Molly while we waited for the pageant to begin. These sunglasses provided some good entertainment!I think this is the first time I've been that I was actually able to pay attention to the pageant-and it was really good! It's about 90 minutes long but Molly did great. For the first hour, she just walked around our blanket playing and jabbering. When I finally got her to lay down, she was out within 2 minutes. She slept through the rest of it, all the way home, and all night! Justin and I considered it a successful trip and if we're still around next year, we'll plan on going again.


Megan said...

I told Ross now that we live closer we should go too, but before I knew it...the pageant was over...I guess next year. And I can only hope that Anna would be as well behaved and/or sleep like Molly. But that will probably only remain a wish ;) Glad you guys got to go and enjoy it. We should get together again soon for sure.

rupee40 said...

I've never been to the pageant, but it sounds like fun. Im glad your taking advantage of being close. Jeff couldn't believe how cute and big Molly looks in these pictures, can't wait to see her!! By the way, you look totally cute with the new hair cut and bangs!