Saturday, July 26, 2008

Swimming, swimming, and more swimming!

We've been swimming a few times in the last couple of weeks. I succeeded in taking an exorbitant amount of pictures, mostly of Molly, so I'm terribly sorry! She's just too dang cute!

The first time we went to the North Ogden Pool. Here is Molly all ready to go:She was actually pretty timid the first time. She tip-toed through the water but mostly liked sitting in the shallow part with Grandmaor Mommy.At the end of the trip, she got up the nerve to go down the frog slide.We went a week later, to the same pool, with the whole family. Molly warmed up a little more and went down this bigger, yellow slide.She also had fun pretending that the umbrella was a slide.With about 30 minutes until the pool closed, Jeff, Ali, Christopher, and I headed to the diving board. We had fun doing silly tricks into the water. The kids sat with Grandpa on the cement and cheered for us every time we jumped off. When we swam over to the side, Ben had a score for us. I think Jeff got the highest with a 100 but that was with some coaching! It was pretty funny.

Justin, Molly, and I went for Aggie Family Night at the Orem pool last week. By this time, Molly was loving the water. She went down the slide multiple times and also loved watching the buckets fill up with water and tip over.She put her head all the way under a couple of times and it didn't even bother her. And she definitely loved splashing Daddy!


Megan said...

I would have taken a ton of pictures too - she is so cute. Anna is fearless when it comes to water and sticking her head completely under and it worries me quite a bit. And she loves when people jump off the diving board too. Summer is just so fun!

Oh and is your swim suit from Shade? If so, I have to same one..and the more I look at your blog and the more I talk to you about clothes the more I realize we have more in common than just our names...haha. :)

Missy said...

We love swimming we try and go at least once a week it feels so nice and Brax loves it. Looks like Molly loves it too she is looks like she is having lot's a fun.