Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Provo Canyon

I've mentioned before that we absolutely love being close to a canyon. We are lucky that we are now close to the Provo Canyon, which is very beautiful. We've gone up a couple of nights for a picnic and so that Justin can find some good fishing spots. We'll still continue to explore but what we've found so far we like!

The first time we went, I packed a picnic and we stopped at the second place up the canyon. It was a very pretty area-perfect place to take a picnic and play frisbee but not so good for fishing. Molly enjoyed the watermelonJustin fished this ball out of the river for Mollyand Mommy made Molly pose for a picture.The second time we went we stopped at a place that looked good for all of us. The water wasn't going too fast so Justin thought it looked like an okay place to fish. It was appealing to both Molly and me because of the two playgrounds it had. So we chose to stop there with our picnic. After eating, Justin hit the river and Molly the playground. I took a book to read but was pretty unsuccessful in my attempt. Molly wasn't too interested in the playground and the previous occupants hadn't cleaned up their garbage so I was a little grossed out. So we started down the trail to see where Justin ended up. Molly said she wanted to catch fishies but got a little side-tracked by throwing rocks in the river. We spent the rest of the time with Molly throwing rocks and me trying to get her to step back from the water. At least she had fun!No fish was caught so I guess we'll try another spot next time! I did manage to take this really cute picture. I love the old railroad tracks and think it just looks so pretty. I tried to get Molly to hold Justin's hand but she is going through an "I want to do it myself" stage so it was a no-go on that. But it's cute anyways!


Erin said...

Cute new layout. You are very patriotic. Looks like you had fun in the canyon.

Megan said...

I love the rail road pic too...even if she wouldn't hold his hand ;) We need to get out more...it has been so dang hot lately and with no car...it has been few and far between. I also love the new blog lay out...very festive.

rupee40 said...

Cute pictures, both of the one with Justin and you, you look way cute! You are lucky you live close to the canyon, I wish we would have taken better advantage of that when we lived there. We could drive for hours and still not get to a canyon!! Happy 4th!