Saturday, September 20, 2008

Hangin' out at home

Some of my favorite times spent at home in the last few weeks...1. Coming home from grocery shopping and seeing Molly sitting on the chair with all of her stuffed animals...yes, she has a lot. This is what happens when Daddy is left to "baby-sit!"

2. Molly loves our neighbor's kitties. She picks them up and drags them all over. All I can say is poor, poor kitty!

3. Molly loves helping Mommy clean. She went through 3-day period where every minute she was awake, she had to be wearing her life jacket.

4. Playing dress-up with whatever we could find on a rainy afternoon.

We still love jumping on the tramp...

On another note, I cleaned out Molly's closet. Since she had a birthday, it's time to put away the clothes that are too small and get out the next size. Thanks to on-loan clothes from Tiana and Lizzy (and some I bought on clearance last season), this is what I unpacked for the winter:And yes, these clothes had to fit in the closet with these clothesthat she can still wear. It was a tight squeeze but with a little re-arranging, we managed to squeeze everything in. Except for her 20+ pairs of pants that had to go in her drawer. I think she's set for the winter...what do you think?


Tawna said...

I love the change of seasons mostly because of the clothing changes! Phoenix has so many clothes that still have tags on them because she never wore them... I think Molly might fit into some of her clothes (not that it looks like you need any) but if you decide you want some, let me know, we have plenty of girl clothes.

Missy said...

Looks like lot's of fun with Molly eveyday, I love all her clothes they are so cute. There are so many cute girl clothes I wish there were more cute clothes for boys.

Megan said...

I don't know how I missed these last two posts! But I am going to have to show Ross Molly's closet so that he will be more understanding when I want to buy Anna more clothes ;) Holy moly she has a lot. Little girls clothes are just too much fun though! I love that she already likes to play dress up and that the life jacket is part of her wardrobe. LOL. Anna screams every second her life jacket is on - no fun.