Wednesday, September 10, 2008

State Fair

We met my mom and dad at the State Fair on Monday. We all had lots of fun but I would have to say that Molly had the most fun. She could not contain her excitement! She literally jumped from one thing to the next. She very rarely sat in her stroller (and only if Grandma was pushing her) but mostly walked around holding our hands, riding on Daddy's shoulders, or having Grandpa or Grandma carry her.

On the pony ride...
Molly's been on one pony ride before...but only with me forcing her on it and her saying that she wanted to get off the whole time. This time was completely different. She didn't want Justin holding her and was pretty sad when she had to get off...our little cowgirl.Her favorite by far was the animals-especially the goats. Earlier that day I had told her that we could go see animals after her nap. On our way down she said, "I'm ready to go see Grandma and Grandpa and horsies and lambies and pigs and bunnies." She wasn't afraid of the animals either and loved petting them.Just playing with Daddy (she's dropping a french fry down the hole)The main reason we went was for the ice cream tent which happens only one night of the whole fair. You pay $3 to enter the tent where you can enjoy as much ice cream as you can eat. They have Aggie Ice Cream, Russell's, Dreyer's, BYU Creamery, etc etc...mmm, good. Justin and I enjoyed two big scoops of Aggie Blue Mint, our favorite.Grandpa brought Molly a bowl of sprinkles. Oh my, how her eyes lit up! The rest of us had fun watching her pick up one sprinkle at a time and eat it. She's not usually so dainty!Making faces at Grandma...Molly's still talking about it. In fact today she told me that after her nap she wants to go see the animals! She's going to be very disappointed...


Megan said...

All you can eat ice cream? I am deeply saddened you did not share this information with me :(

I am always so impressed with all the cute ways you do Molly's hair. It is always so cute. Maybe you ought to give me lessons.

rupee40 said...

mmmmm...Aggie Ice Cream. Really, nothing compares to me, now I'll be craving Oreo Fudge for days! I miss the all you can eat ice cream tent. Looks like you guys had fun, Molly is so cute with the animals.