Saturday, August 16, 2008

23 months

I can't believe that Molly is going to be 2 next month! Where has the time gone? As always, she's so much fun and learning tons and tons. Here are a few things she's up to...

Molly loves, loves, loves corn on the cob. I guess it's fun to eat (not to mention delicious). If we put corn on the cob on her plate, she won't eat anything else. She'll eat hers all gone and then want Daddy's and then Mommy's...Molly is
obsessed with seatbelts. She plays with her high chair seatbelt all day. Whenever she gets put into her carseat or her stroller she wants to buckle her seatbelt "all by myself." She actually does really good now-in her carseat she can usually get all three buckles done by herself.She is now in the stage where she wants to do everything "by myself" and throws a fit if one of us does it for her. You can see from this picture that she is very good at putting her shoes on by herself. Yes, they are on the wrong feet. She usually has her shoes on the wrong feet nowadays...And last, a few weeks ago, Molly kept bringing us clothes that she wanted to wear. Since it is summer I had dressed her that morning in levi shorts and a T-shirt. Well, she brought us a sweatshirt and 2 pairs of sweats and insisted on putting them on. So we did the layered look-she looked like a marshmallow! And the funny thing is, she kept them on all day and wouldn't let us take them off! I bet she was roasting with 3 pairs of pants on and 2 shirts on a hot summer day!(The purple pants are not meant as capris-I think they are size 6-9 months. She has gotten a little too tall for them!)

Molly still loves to sing and she sings all day long sometimes. Some of her favorite songs are "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star," "I Am a Child of God," and "ABC's." My favorite is when she hears the songs on the radio or a toy and sings a long. Too cute!


Megan said...

I love Molly posts - she is such a crack up. It's crazy how fast they grow up, but I love how much they learn and grow too. Have any fun plans for her big day next month? Perhaps an Elmo themes party? ;)

Missy said...

She is so cute they grow up so fast and she is so smart. What a cutie!

rupee40 said...

What a cutie! I miss her tons and wish I could be there for her big birthday!! I can't believe she is almost 2 already.