Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Molly and I have attended a couple of parades lately. The first one was the Cedar Hills parade. Thanks Eric and Heidi for inviting us and letting us intrude on your family time! I was so excited because the last parade Molly went to she was in so I thought she'd love seeing the floats and picking up candy. Well, I was wrong...she was scared the whole time! Seriously, the first "float" that came was people dressed up as gorillas and I guess to an almost-2-year-old they looked pretty scary. I was holding her and felt her heart start racing-she was genuinely scared! She did make it through the parade though as long as she was sitting on my lap or Heidi's. But there was no way she was getting up, even to pick up a piece of candy less than two feet away!After the parade we enjoyed eating a snow cone and playing in the river. It was a hot day so the water felt great!I also got to meet Harvey Unga. I think he's a football player? Just kidding, he plays for BYU Football-Justin's always been a big fan of BYU Football and he was there signing autographs. Well, I didn't have any paper for him to sign so Eric and Heidi talked me into asking him for a picture. Justin wasn't really too impressed like I thought he'd be...(He may be sick of hearing about BYU Football-they bring it up every week in Elder's Quorum.)This last Saturday was another parade experience, this time at Lindon Days. Molly loved this parade but there was one difference-we were in the parade. Our primary kids had a float and since I'm a Primary teacher I needed to be there. And since Justin was working Molly had to come with me. We sat in the trailer and she waved at everyone on the side of the road! At first I would remind her to wave hi to the people but then she started doing it on her own. She would wave and then look at me with this proud look on her face and say, "Mommy, I wave hi to the people." It was pretty funny.


Alesa said...

How Fun! I have only been in one parade my whole life, at USU. What a fun mom you are to take Molly on so many wonderful adventures!

Megan said...

Now that is a whole lot of parading around. What a summer. So does she have her princess wave down? You should have put a tiara on her and teach her how to wipe a tear and blow a kiss too ;)

Kirsten and Eric said...

If Justin's not impressed with Harvey Unga, he never will be...