Thursday, March 13, 2008

Afternoon in PC!

Since Plain City is now twice the distance than it used to be, I don't spend very many days up there like I used to. Since Ali was still in town, Molly and I made the trip down on Monday to spend the day. We ate at Pizzaria (Ali's favorite) and then just played all afternoon. Luckily it was nice outside so we spent most of the time in the back yard. This was inside (obviously). Mom has some really cute doll furniture. Molly thought that she'd lay down and take a little rest. She kept pointing up at the ceiling and saying "stars." (Ali put the glow-in-the-dark stars on the ceiling in high school.)Probably Molly's favorite was Chloe's slide. She spent a lot of time on that. She would slide down it, laugh, and look at Ali to make sure she was still watching. Chloe got in on the action too...Molly loved the swing last summer but was a little nervous of it this year. She finally liked it when Grandma pushed her.
Chloe (or Doe-ee as Molly calls her) and Molly having a snack.Mom wanted to take a picture of Ali but she didn't want to stand up there by herself so Bryce decided to get in the picture with her. Ali's belly is already really small but this makes it seem even smaller! It's kind of rainy today so hopefully it the sun will start shining and we can go outside and play some more!


Erin M said...

I love the picture of Bryce and Ali. The pictures of the Jazz game are so cute too. I can't wait for Abby to join right in.

Megan said...

Hey Megan! I am so glad you found my blog - isn't blogging great?! :) Your little girl is so stinkin cute! I can't believe all that she is doing and saying and she is only 3 months older than Annabelle - maybe they should get together and she can give her some lessons or something. We moved to Lehi last May after Ross graduated and he is now working for a civil engineering firm in AF. I am just staying at home right now with Anna. What about you guys? I haven't seen you since the days I spent hours at the bank chatting it up with you! Keep in touch.