Thursday, March 20, 2008

Future Mia Hamm?

As most of you know, I love soccer. It is, no contest, my favorite sport. I first started playing when I was 5 or 6 and continued playing through high school and played here and there on intramural teams at USU. Naturally, I want Molly to enjoy it too and I have been trying to teach her how to kick a ball since she started walking. Well, she finally did it! I'm excited for her to be old enough to play and I can literally be a "soccer mom!" Here are some pictures of her in action... For those of you who don't know who Mia Hamm is, well, she is probably the best women's soccer player ever. I used to have a huge poster of her in my room when I was probably about 10 or so. Here is a picture of her in action...I think Molly's well on her way. What do you all think?


rupee40 said...

For some reason, I couldn't see the pictures, I will check again at home. But I am sure she is well on her way to becoming an international soccer star, she'll make us all proud! And you will be a great "soccer mom", I can see it now...

The Goodrich's said...

That's wierd- I don't know why it wouldn't show the pictures. It did that on my computer too. I put the pictures back on so hopefully those ones will work!

Erin M said...

That is so cute!! I'm sure she will be a great soccer player. It will come quick and she'll be playing soccer at the nearby park. Oh wont it be so fun!!